You ARE Stronger than You Know

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hi Everyone,
Every once in a while you meet someone so special that you know they will not only have a profound impact on your life, but that they are going to make the world a better place for a lot of people. My friend Carolyn Moor, founder of the Modern Widows Club, is that kind of person. Check out some of the great things that Carolyn & MWC accomplished in ONE year of being:
Carolyn is about to launch a Modern Widows Club magazine… she says the project has required strength she didn’t know she possessed, and has stretched her beyond her imagination. Giving birth, whether to a child or a magazine, is an incredible undertaking, and I wanted to dedicate tonight’s Zenspirations image & blog-post to Carolyn with love and gratitude.

Stay Zenspired,


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