Designed by world-renowned artist Joanne Fink of Zenspirations®, Care-mojis™ are a fun and exciting way to express yourself and brighten anyone’s day. Whether your best friend is sick, your mother is celebrating her birthday, or your child aced an exam, there is a Care-moji for every occasion! Most Care-moji Collections are only $0.99 for 25 stickers, and are available in the App Store or on Google Play. Share these beautiful stickers to congratulate a friend, send an encouraging or inspirational note, celebrate a special moment or just say hello!
We are working on new collections, including Scripture-Mojis, Prayer-Mojis, Celebration-Mojis, Support-Mojis and Friend-Mojis. If there is a phrase you’d like to Joanne to include in an upcoming Care-moji collection, send your request via:
To stay up to date with Joanne’s work, follow her on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest, and visit her websites: and