Last month Sony Pictures asked if they could use some of my designs to create a promotional coloring book for the movie Miracles from Heaven, starring Jennifer Gardner and Queen Latifah, and I said yes! The book has 8 Create, Color, Pattern, Play pages and the cover showcases Color & Creativity enthusiast Terri Brown’s lovely version of the Scripture Tree from the Flowers of Faith book. Terri uses my designs as a springboard for her own creative endeavors; and I encourage you to do the same. Here’s the page she started with, along with her finished design.

I love the way Terri enhanced the image by adding music notes, dangles and leaves… and the swirls in the background are cool, too!
And here’s how I used our collaborative effort on the cover of the book.
Regal Cinemas will be gifting the books to attendees of Risen, the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. The film stars Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton (of Harry Potter fame!), Peter Firth, and Cliff Curtis, and premieres February 19th. This is how Regal Cinemas is promoting the book.
If you go see Risen opening weekend, you can get a free book (while supplies last). Here is what the back cover looks like.
The movie launch inspired me to redo my website– and I’m celebrating both events with a Coloring Contest! Thanks to the generosity of Design Originals, Sakura of America, Sony Pictures and Wellspring Gifts, we have some great prizes for you!
The prize package includes: A selection of my Create, Color, Pattern, Play! books, including Expressions of Faith, Flowers of Faith, Inspirations, Color Peace, and the soon-to-be-released Expressions of Nature, PLUS:
A one year subscription to DO magazine, donated by Design Originals.
Microns® & Stardust Gelly Roll® pens, donated by Sakura of America.
A Miracles from Heaven Gardening Bag which converts to a portable seat, donated by Sony Pictures.
Coloring bookmarks and journal, donated by Wellspring Gifts.
Here’s a photo of everything except the gardening bag.
And here’s a photo of the gardening bag, imprinted with the Miracles from Heaven logo.
There will be two identical prizes; winners will be chosen from Zenspirations® blog followers who post their creative interpretation of any page from the Miracles from Heaven book in the Zenspirations Create, Color, Pattern, Play Facebook group. In case you don’t have a Regal Cinema near you, or can’t get a copy of the book, here are two pages that you can download for free.
Click here to download your free copy of Butterflies & Bubbles
Click here to download your free copy of The Snail Trail
For every design you post (and yes, you may post more than one version of the same page), your name will be entered into a random drawing for one of the prizes. If you post two designs, you’ll have two chances to win; if you post five designs, you’ll have five chances to win.
In order to participate in the contest you must subscribe to the Zenspirations blog, and be at least 18 years of age.
Entries must be posted in the appropriate album in the new Zenspirations® Create, Color, Pattern, Play Facebook Group by midnight, March 31st. Here is the link: You can get to the albums by clicking the photos button underneath the imagine banner. Winners will be announced on the Zenspirations® blog.
One of the prize winners will be selected at random; the other prize winner will be voted on by members of the Zenspirations® Create, Color, Pattern, Play Facebook Group.
VERY IMPORTANT: PUT YOUR NAME and e-mail address on each design before you post it.
When you are working on your pages please keep in mind that this is a collaborative effort— what sets Zenspirations® Create, Color, Pattern & Play apart from all of the other coloring books on the market is that there is room on each page to add your own patterns and special touches before coloring. While it is fine to simply color the pages, I look at my work as a springboard for YOURS… and invite you to embellish the pages in whatever way you like. I especially encourage you to add text which inspires you… as well as additional illustrations to make the design come alive.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to read additional rules and legalese. I can’t wait to see what you color and create!
Stay Zenspired,