Growing in Gratitude

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Hi Everyone,

Real gratitude is the practice of being thankful for both the good and bad things which happen to us, recognizing that it is the challenges we face which force us to grow. This is one of the slides from the presentation on gratitude I gave at the Modern Widows Club (MWC) Empowerment Weekend on Saturday.

These are some of the amazing, inspiring women who attended the conference,

most of whom are wearing the t-shirt I designed!

I shared some of my art during the presentation, after which people kept asking me where they could buy prints of the images. 

This led me to start thinking about offering prints in the Zenspirations® webstore… but I have so much art, that I’m not really sure what to include. At times like this I am especially grateful to have a community of creative people to turn to; I would REALLY appreciate your advice on what type of prints to offer. If you would be interested in buying buy a Zenspirations® print, please answer the questions below. As an incentive, I’m going to give prints to two of the people who share their thoughts. Thank you, in advance, for your participation– I appreciate it!

  1. What shape print would you prefer?
    1. horizontal rectangular
    2. vertical rectangular
    3. square
  2. What size print would you prefer?
    1. 5 x 7
    2. 6 x 6
    3. 8 x 10
    4. 8.5 x 11
    5. 11 x 14
    6. Other size: ___________
  3. How much would you pay for your preferred size? ____________
  4. Which types of images would you be interested in buying?
    1. Images with Scripture
    2. Images with faith sayings
    3. Images with inspirational sayings
    4. Images without a saying
    5. Personalized memorial images
    6. Images featuring one single word (love, hope, dream, etc.)
      1. What words would you be interested in? ______________________
    7. Other images:___________
      1. Is there a particular Zenspirations image you’d like me to include?

Speaking of images, I wanted to give you a sneak peek at my 2018 Expressions of Faith calendarsboth calendars are filled with images I’d consider turning into prints. Please let me know if any of them catch your eye.

Both calendars are now available for pre-order in the Zenspirations webstore. Here’s the 12 x 12 wall calendar, which sells for $14.95.

And here’s the 7 x 7 mini calendar, which sells for $7.99.

The calendars should be here by the end of the month, so I’ll be able to ship them in September.

Thanks, in advance, for your help, suggestions and orders!

Stay Zenspired,


14 thoughts on “Growing in Gratitude”

  1. Good morning my friend
    What a beautiful blog to start my day!
    So many choices and so many I love it’s going to be hard to narrow down.
    1) either vertical or horizontal rectangle, they are easier to frame
    2) 8×10 because I think that’s the size that matted looks beautiful in an 11×14 frame. If I’m wrong the size that matted fits in a premade 11×14 frame. My 2nd choice woul be a grouping of 4×6 vertical (the size of your beautiful greeting cards) that could go into a collage frame.
    3) no idea on price but your items are always a fair price.
    4) if the larger size inspirational sayings or pages from your books or calendars, if the 4×6 I think your 1 word sayings would be beautiful together. Ones I might consider are a group saying “Hope”, “Dream”, “Believe”, “Peace”, or “Relax”, “Breathe”, “Nurture”, “Trust”
    I would in addition definitely offer your personalized memorial images. I think that may be your #1 best seller.
    5) pages from calendars:
    “Follow Your Dreams”, “Celebrate Life”, “Dreams Will Lead to Rainbow…”, and “Sending You A Hug…”
    and my very most favorite from your book “Expressions of Faith” is the hand that says “…Reach out in Love…”, I’d make a 2nd one that says “A Single Loving Act of KINDNESS Can Transform the World” ( note I added the word “KINDNESS”) and from “L’Chaim: Celebrate Life” is “Help Me Find the Strength…”
    Although I wouldn’t purchase a calendar for myself because I get a Jewish calendar every year they are beautiful!
    Wow! I think this is the longest comment I’ve ever written.

  2. Hi Joanne!
    The calendar is awesome! I love the colors! I think a good size for your prints would be a rectangle 11×14, and I like scripture and inspirational. Also, I love your hearts and trees! As far as price, based off what you are charging for your calendars, I would say $14.95 and up, even though I think your pieces are worth so much more than that. You continually raise our spirits and spread happy! That is priceless!

    Love and hugs,

  3. I am so inspired and uplifted by your work.
    I prefer a horizontal 8 1/2 x 11
    I would be willing to pay $40
    I love inspirational, Bible, spiritual sayings. Anything that lifts ones spirit.
    I love the saying “Look for God in the face of every person you meet and reach out to them in Love”. Also love the one that says “Sing onto the Lord —

  4. I think I would like a vertical rectangle. 11×14. I think 29.99 would be a fair price with a simple frame, perhaps 16.99 without. All of your artwork is amazing, but I would probably most like a picture with scripture. On another note… I have a grandbaby coming and was wondering if you had a print with the childrens night time prayer ” now I lay me down to sleep..” I have seen them on ETSY and such, but I would much prefer it made by someone who is truly a spiritual being as opposed to someone just trying to make money.
    Thank you for all your beautiful, inspiring works….

  5. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on gratitude. It can be hard to be thankful for the bad along with the good, but I’ve found it makes life a little better when you can.

    I would love to see some prints…
    1- 2
    2- 1 or 3
    4- 3, 4, 6 (Love or Hope), 7 (Sun Rays)

  6. I would choose 12×12 square, between $20-$30.
    I like1, 2, 3 & 4 as far as content. Would love to see some fancy calligraphy inspiration & bible verses as well as your original zenspirations ❤

  7. Hi
    I like vertical prints.
    8×10 so I can frame it. Also, occasionally a larger, wall size.
    I would pay between $30-$50 dollars.. I live in CA so my money scale may be skewed.
    Images with inspirational sayings
    BTW great calendars!

  8. Joanne,
    I would be interested in vinyl prints or saying that I could put on my walls.

  9. HI Joanne- LOVE the calendars! I would prefer vertical, 8.5 x 11, and inspirational sayings. I think 29.99 is a good price, and I would not sell them framed- too hard to ship. people can get their own frames.

  10. I like the horizontal images, 5×7 and/ or 8×10 with Scripture or faith messages. No input on price- obviously that would be decided by what your cost is and a reasonable mark up. Thanks for all you do- we are out here and do appreciate you even though it isn’t always expressed.

  11. Joanne,
    I prefer smaller horizontal prints. Around 5×7.
    Not sure but your prices are very fair. I love scripture quotes.
    Your work is such an inspiration for me to encourage others.

  12. Hi Joanne – the calendars look great! Thanks for always including us in your big decisions! Here are my inputs…
    1. What shape print would you prefer?
    horizontal rectangular

    2. What size print would you prefer?
    8 x 10

    3. How much would you pay for your preferred size? _~$10__________

    4. Which types of images would you be interested in buying?
    Images with inspirational sayings

    NOTE: I especially love your flower images and your butterfly images

    Thanks again and I am looking forward to seeing the calendars in a store near me or on Amazon! 🙂

  13. What shape print would you prefer?
    vertical rectangular

    What size print would you prefer?
    5 x 7

    How much would you pay for your preferred size? ___15.00_________
    Which types of images would you be interested in buying?
    Images with Scripture
    Is there a particular Zenspirations image you’d like me to include? The tree, Crosses

  14. Joanne – I love your expression about being thankful for the good AND the bad. Often, when we see a situation, it appears at first glance to be a bad one. Only by stepping back and putting some perspective in it can we likewise see it as good. I know from personal experience that “And we know everything works together. for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

    What shape of print? vertical rectangle
    What size print would you prefer? 5 x 7
    How much would you pay for your preferred size? $9.95
    What types of images would you be interested in buying? I enjoy your imagine with just a single action word: imagine, hope, love, create, muse, ponder
    Particular Zenspiration image? Not an image really but I enjoy your choice of colors and exquisite blending

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