Creating Connections

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hi Everyone,It is my hope and dream that Zenspirations will inspire people to create connections through art, music, uplifting words and acts of loving kindness. 

When you look through the eyes of love, you’ll see potential instead of imperfection, and beauty instead of bitterness. Look with love, and you’ll see past someone’s character flaws to the spark of holiness inside their soul. After all, isn’t that the way you’d like people to look at you?

Creating connections becomes easier when you see the holiness, beauty and shining potential of another’s soul. Please take a moment to let me know what connections you create today. And, as always, I’d be honored if you would share Zenspirations with those you love.

Stay Zenspired,

6 thoughts on “Creating Connections”

  1. I follow you on FB, enjoy a couple of your books, have turned some of my friends onto Zentangles and Zenspirations because of my loving them and have even shared one of my pic on your page. However the reason I'm replying to your blog today is because it really spoke to me. I'm in a study group on the Practice of Mussar and this Zenspirations totally embodies what we talk about every week. Thank you Joanne.

  2. Thank you for your candid and unashamed profession of faith. We all need to reach out and to see others in love! Going for my CZT this month. . .love the Zendangles and letter art. Thanks!

  3. Joanne, love your books and work. You are truly an inspiration to me! I'll be adding a link on my blog to yours and on my art tools page. Thank you for all you do and for sharing such beautiful work!

  4. Joanne, you're a doll. Thank you for your lovely self and your expression of your beliefs. xox

  5. I love, love, love your amazing artwork and your inspiring words. The "connection I created today" was with a senior that I visit once a week to do exercises with in order to help her get more healthy.

    I have always wanted to be able to draw recognizable pictures – but it doesn't seem to be "in" me – BUT now I have been loving making zenspiration borders with quotes in them and adding them to scrapbook pages and handmade cards and frames. It brings a ton of joy to me to be able to create this kind of art.
    Thank you so much!

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