Be a L.I.G.H.T. in the World!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Hi Everyone,
For the past week I have been wrestling with whether or not I should mention the election in tonight’s blog. I ultimately decided that I have an obligation to do so, not from a partisan standpoint, but in hopes of helping people heal. I believe that part of my ‘job’ is to try to make a difference in the world, and to inspire others to do the same. Zenspirations® is more than a method of patterned drawings combined with inspiring text; it’s also my personal spiritual philosophy. The unique Zenspirations® community we have built together has become a welcome safe haven for many of us. It’s a place where kindness and compassion are the norm; where we respect, support and encourage each other’s creative efforts. I am incredibly proud to be part of this community that continually inspires me to be the best person I can be, and I want to invite you to join me in using compassion and creativity to build bridges and encourage hope.
I don’t know a lot about politics, but I do know a lot about grief, both because I’ve been on my own grief journey since my husband died five years ago, and because, in an attempt to make meaning out of his death, I decided to try to change the culture of grief support in America and have been studying the grieving process. I’ve learned that grief is not something we experience only when we lose a loved one; it is a complex emotional reaction that we feel when confronted with major life changes: the loss of a job, a dream, a relationship, our home, our health, or even the loss of connection to something we hold dear. And it is clear that there are a lot of people, regardless of who they voted for, who are grieving a loss of connection to their fellow Americans.
So how do we help rebuild community? What can we do to make a difference? We can each be a L.I.G.H.T. in the world, and shine so brightly that we cast out darkness.
L.I.G.H.T. is my acronym for Love, Inspire, Give, Heal, Transform.
It is my goal to:
Reach out in Love
Inspire by example
Give from my heart
Heal the pain I see
and help Transform
fear into hope
isolation into connection
anger into understanding
and grief into gratitude…
and I invite you to join me in this quest.
A single loving act can transform someone’s world…
How do we begin? One breath at a time. Be still, breathe, and listen to your heart. Trust that everything will be okay because it will be okay! It can help to fill your heart with Love, Hope, Compassion & Gratitude.
I try to start each morning with this prayer:
And then I write or doodle something in my morning journal. This prayer actually started out as a page in one of my journals:
For me, the simple act of putting pen to paper helps me stay grounded in gratitude, in part because I find it relaxing and meditative, and in part because I look for ways to use what I create to make others feel better, and doing something for someone else invariably lifts your own spirits. We may not be able to solve the world’s problems, but when you have made a commitment to be kind, to keep hope in your heart, to listen, to look for the spark of holiness inside every person you meet and reach out to them in love, you become a L.I.G.H.T. in the world! If this concept resonates with you, please share it… the more people who set the intention to let the light of their soul shine, the better.

Before closing tonight I want to say thank you to everyone who made suggestions on what I should share as Sakura’s guest Instagram artist this week. Sakura requested some videos showing how I letter with the Koi Coloring Brush pens, so today they shared one time-release video, and one real time video. I am supplementing what I gave them with visuals on my own page.
If you are on Instagram, I hope you’ll check out both
my page, and
Sakura’s page. I am only posting on Sakura’s page until Friday… but you won’t want to miss the last post I’ll be doing on Friday, because it will announce a give-away and a contest where you could win Metallic, Stardust and Moonlight Gelly Roll pens! Look for more info in next week’s blog.
Stay Zenspired,
PS If you haven’t started to explore Instagram yet, please use this as an opportunity to join… I’m continually enthralled with the creativity people share.
Joanne – Thank you for your message of love, hope and compassion. Our Zenspirations group on Facebook is pretty much the only reason I haven’t closed down my facebook account. (Tired of so much negativity) Your group brings me so much happiness and has connected me to so many compassionate, wonderful people – you included! You are so right with your message! We can all change our communities and world around us if we choose to love and show compassion. Your message is right on and I’m so very grateful that this zenspired community you started exists in my world. God’s blessings on your day.
Kristen and Aliyah
Oh Joanne, you bring out the best in me with your inspiring words! I want to be a L.I.G.H.T. for others and I try to shine everyday. I love helping people and serving. This is God’s plan for us all. I do dim sometimes, but I try not to let it last for long because you just feel better when you help others. It’s good for the heart! You are an awesome example for us all and your “light’ is blinding in the best way!
Love and hugs,
I just love your post-election message. I hope & pray this series of events will pull our country together. Thank you for sharing your kind heart.
Once again, Joanne, your words are perfect to uplift me and others. You are such a joy-filled inspiration to so many. Thank you for caring about us all. Sending love and light back to you.
Thank you Joanne. You are such a wonderful inspiration to all of us!
Thank you.. refreshing to “hear” such kindness.Hopefully many will be the LIGHT if for only one person. We can try.
Great post.
This is a very well said and beautiful post. Another thing that would help us in post-election healing is that when someone either speaks or approaches with divisiveness and anger is to “not respond in the same way”, but, instead, to respond with love, kindness and understanding. It may mean that we don’t say anything but just to listen and/or give a hug. Thank you for being the example that your are in word and deed, Joanne……Linda E.
Beautifully said Joanne, we all need to share the LIGHT throughout the world right now. An inspiration as always xx
Thank you Joanne for sharing such wonderful kindness. Great post.
As always – beautifully said. Thanks for always keeping us inspired and grounded.
You are the embodiment of your art as well as your words
Just what I need. After the week and a half I have have. Beautiful. Thank you. God Bless.
These are troubling times and certainly not helped by the news media. I work hard at remaining hopeful. You words help to calm my soul.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with us!
God Bless you .
Joanne, you are an inspiration! Your art and your thoughtful and encouraging words bring hope to so many. The light in your soul shines brightly and illuminates the path so others can find the healing and purpose in their own journeys. We are all blessed because you choose, every day, to live out your true calling and love so deeply
Hi Joanne,
Thank you for all the positivity that you spread around… its lovely and i am sure every human would instantly connect.
Stay blessed!
This is a beautiful, inspiring, & very helpful blog post. Thank you, Joanne for your words of Light & Love. Besides in your blog, especially now, you have been a great help to me with the losses I am currently grieving. You are a true friend, and I am grateful for knowing you & for you allowing me to be a part of such an uplifting, special group of amazing people.