My Prayer Journal
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Hi Everyone,
I try to begin each day with my ‘morning journaling practice’. I begin with a prayer of thanksgiving… for example, I have journaled countless variations of the sentiment below:

Most of my morning journals include a combination of prayers, blessings, doodles and drawings. Although I do use some of my journal pages as inspiration for greeting cards, calendars and other products, they are not meant to be beautiful… just expressions of what’s in my heart. Here is a fairly recent entry:
My morning journaling practice has made a big difference in my life, and I have been working on a series of guided journals which I hope will help others embrace some sort of meditative journaling practice. The themes I’m thinking about include: Blessings, Finding Connection, Good Deeds, Growing through Grief, Hope & Healing, Leaving a Lasting Legacy and Unleashing Your Creative Spirit. But the first guided journal to be published will be My Prayer Journal, which will be available in early 2018.
I wanted to share a few of the rough spreads, and as always, invite and welcome your thoughts for making this the best it can be. My Prayer Journal will have 128 pages, more than half of which will be ‘Daily Prayer Pages’ for people to write down what they are grateful for, and what they are praying for. Here’s my latest draft:
These Daily Prayer pages will paired with different things, for example a coloring page:
a piece of Zenspirational art:
or a page which is half illustration and half lines:
On the type of spread shown above, I’m planning to include a prompt. For example, How has God’s word illuminated your path? Another example, would be the illustration below with the prompt: What is the prayer your heart is whispering?
I am really excited about this project, and would appreciate your answering a few questions. As an incentive, I will send a copy of My Prayer Journal once it is published to a randomly selected name drawn from those who leave a comment answering the following questions:
1. Have you ever journaled?
2. Are you interested in guided journaling?
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: ____________________
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each?
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else?
Thanks, as always, for your input!
Stay Zenspired,
I think the lines shown are perfect. And I would prefer scripture for the sample prayers. Great job. It’s lovely. Keep us posted on its progress and when it is available.
1. Have you ever journaled?
Yes, I find it really helps me focus and remember!
2. Are you interested in guided journaling?
That sounds very interesting – yes.
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for: – YES
b. Today I am praying for? YES
c. Other: ____________________Todays special scripture
“Over the past day I have seen God’s hand in /on……
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? At least 5 – perhaps more for the “praying for” section
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Pages that I can colour (or fill in / complete) myself.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? Inspirational and /or scripture.
1. yes
2. yes
3. questions about scripture to make me think
4. 5
5. color myself
6. sample prayers
Hi Joanne!
You have done it again! Your creativity and ideas amaze me! I have done some journaling, but not on a regular basis. I need to do more as I tend to hold things in and journaling is a great way to let it out, good and bad. I like the idea of some pages of your finished art and some to color. I do like the promotions, too. I tend to get stuck sometimes as to what to put down, prompts would be good. Hard to say on the lines because some people write large than others and some have more to say, too. The size of the book would make a difference also. Maybe 15-20 lines? As far as the, I like something inspirational. Can’t wait to see how they turn out, but I’m sure they are going to be awesomely amazing!
Love and hugs,
Some of each…colored…non colored…mostly scripture…beware of even good quotes….because they can lead someone down wrong path into false beliefs…very subtle shift…also mix of style more appealing. [email protected]
I do bible journaling and have a prayer journal
In my prayer journal I put
A list off what I have on my heart
Family / ministry etc
I printed list would be great
3 lines to right down reflections I think is ok as we are all so busy with life not seeing to many lines would not make me feel to overwhelmed to try fill more lines
On the days when prayer is hard a picture to colour in would be great.. as psalm may be txt would be easier to read as hand writing can be a little hard to read
Also hand bag size to easily carry around etc
List of scripture to help with prayer
The ones that you can find for depression etc
Hope this helps
I love your illustrations.. God Bless you in all you are doing
Another great idea Joanne !!
1) I have never journaled before but have been thinking about it.
2) Yes. Ery much so !
3) I would like to see A and B as well as some sort of prayer for special /urgent requests
4) 5-6 ?
5) Some of each but for me personally, maybe just simple art to color. I wouldnt want to get caught up in coloring and neglect the real intention
6) I would like to see inspirational as well as scriptual !
I love to journal and like the idea of a guided prayer journal like this… I like the idea of a variety of prompts like your example above so would include some of each and maybe a verse for the day either printed or just a space to write out a verse on your heart while you’re praying…would like be to see a combo of coloring pages along with finished artwork pages and would love to see the hand lettered text in a variety as well- verses, sample prayers, etc…. I’m sure your new book will be a blessing to many!!! ❤️
My journal, i call it my faith journal serves, many purposes…i take it to mass with me and take notes during the homily which causes me to pay far better attention. I generally doodle a bit (sometimes during the homily). I probably wouldn’t use it for guided journaling and don’t especially like prompts. I do love scripture and inspirational quotes and would love both colored and blank. i also print out and paste into my journal pictures, cards,essays that i find inspiring so it serves as a bit of a scrap book also. i like rings on the side so i can attached ribbons and other embellishments.
1 yes, I have journaled
2. Yes, guided journaling would be awesome
3. B…and guided journaling
4. There is never enough room….I like the idea of your last two page example… with the lines and bible verse…and add the guided journal prompt on the first line
5. Some of each
6. Inspirational…using scripture and prayers…
1. Yes.
2. Most definitely yes!
a. Yes, on some pages.
b. Yes.
c. What do you want to say to me today, Father?
4. 5 lines
5. Some of each.
6. Scripture.
1) yes
2) sometimes, but not every day
3) a. b. C sharing my thoughts with God
4) around 6 or so (some people have difficulty writing small.
5) some of each plus some where I can finish the doodle.
6) inspirational and scripture. But some sample prayers would help those who are new to praying.
1. Yes
2. Yes! Sometimes I feel like journaling but not sure what to say so guided journaling sounds great.
3. a and b. Also a section for praises and answered prayer.
4. I like how it is shown in the photo.
5. Some of each
6. I like a mix of all of them.
I do journal and l love guided journals or prompts. May your prompts could be modeled after our model, Mat 5:5-15. Praise-petition for personal needs, petition for needs of others, petition for forgiveness. Or personal- church family- friends- opportunity (I’m thinking of people I am praying for that I can serve in some way)- nation- leaders – ….. you probably already have great ideas. I have no clue about how many lines to leave. My dream art page would be very lightly frayed out so I could fix it to look like I did it myself . I would prefer scriptural lettered pages. Thanks for doing this. I’m excited about this. I love your things.
Hello! Thank you for asking for input. How exciting!
FIRST – love the way The Prayer Journal looks already. >> If journaling in the morning… the “Today I pray for” would be first on my mind.
the “What I’m grateful for” comes later in the day. So perhaps reverse the positions.
>>> Perhaps first thing in the morning… “Challenges/Opportunities ahead of me>
Dear Lord, You know well what I am facing today. Guide me thru’ with wisdom and strength, kindness and caring, and fill my heart with hope.”
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? The Prayer section is good – my prayers are long… Unless I go to Bullet points. 🙂 Can we pray in bullet points?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? SOME OF EACH please. I especially like the page with the bookmark… and the blank space to add “Counting my Blessings”, scripture references. End of day observations.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? LOVE all of those!! Carry on, Ms. Joanne! You’re onto something great and inspirational.
Keep Calm and Tangle on, Ms. Fink!
A fan from Shelburne, Ontario
1. No I have never journaled.
2. Yes I am interested in guided journaling.
3. Both A and B, it seems my prayer list has become long, so many people in need of prayer.
4. Hmmmm this ones a tough one.
5. I think adding some unfinished is a great idea, that may put some in touch with a creative side of themselves.
6. A mixture of all you’ve listed.
Another suggestion would be, making sure the journal lays flat when it’s open for ease of use.
1) Yes
2) yes
3) both a and b but also a section for answered prayers
4) depends on the spacing of the lines and size of the book. But I would give more lines for the prayer section.
5) both 🙂
6) inspirational and scripture
This is such a great project! I can’t wait til it hits stores so I can buy some for the women in our church. We get together once a month and I think our group would benefit from this a lot! Love your work so much!
I would love to develop a discipline of journaling. Bible and Prayer journaling both
1. Not much
2. yes
3. If they are prayer pages, I think they should have “b” but I really like the gratitude idea as it generates positivity.
5. Definitely pages to color
6. Again, if it is a prayer journal, it should contain scripture and prayers.
7. Being a :non: religious type, but having friends that are, I can see this would be a great book. I would think that a similar book, filled with positivity and inspirational sayings and your wonderful artwork to color would be equally terrific!!
Thanks so much for doing what you do, your artwork makes me smile and feel good!!
1. yes
2. uncertain
3. I like both that you mentioned and also some words to provoke thuight
4. 5??
5. some of both
6. some of each!
Thanks for asking for our thoughts!
Yes, I have journaled for years and have occasionally participated in guided journaling with great benefit. A prompt of gratitude is good in creating a space and my prayer prompt is “holding in prayer” Maybe a blank space instead of lines creating limitation. And a variety of art and blank pages. The same with the text, a variety.
1. Have you ever journaled? no but I want to give it a try
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? YES!!!
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: ____Praise________________
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? I like your sample Thankful page
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Pages I can color myself
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? all of the above
This is great. I love the sample pages.
1. Have you ever journaled?
Yes, I journal all the time. I like getting my thoughts and daily happenings down on paper.
2. Are you interested in guided journaling?
Yes, I’ve tried it before and it can be helpful at times.
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt?
I think the samples you have above are great.
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each?
Some of each
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else?
1/2. I do not journal. I am interested in a quided prayer/gratitude journal to discuss with my 7 year old grand daughter long distance.
3A, a prompt to search your day for people who made you smile, things you realize others don’t have, beauty around us in our daily routines,, our freedom , the abundance of food available,
3B. Prayers for peace happiness love and joy. Prayer for those troubled with mental illness and life threatening diseases. Prayers to find a balance in yourself, prayers for knowledge and confidence. Prayers to be considerate of others. Prayers to stop bullying and violence…..
3C I always say I wish we could go back to the “leave it to beaver “days. In talking with my grand daughter I want to encourage her to stop the electronic obsession before it starts. Having a section to pledge a daily goal to be connected to others face to face, or write a letter or no electronic. An exercise to acknowledge the many things in our life we are blessed with.
4 Three to five lines for daily, maybe about eight if there is a weekly or monthly prompt.
5 Both -I love your finished art. Also having coloring pages would be great peace and meditation encouragement exercises
6 combination . Also directions, lessons, recepies for self improvement.
Thank you for asking for input. I have been thinking about this for a while. One of my girls is 18 and technology has really taken a toll on her generation, there has been so much tragedy in her life it is so sad. My daughter doubts God now and doesn’t understand.. I want things for the younger generations to be healthier and more meaningful and there faith in God to grow every day.
All the best to you.
May you always be blessed .
1. Have you ever journaled?
Yes, but I am very sporadic with it.
2. Are you interested in guided journaling?
Yes, I think it would help me have a plan and stick to it.
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for: – YES
b. Today I am praying for? YES
c. Other: ____________________Maybe use alternate wording…like Today, my greatest blessing is___ Today, I am asking God to ____. God, please intervene for ____. Father, show me ______.
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? 3-4 for the gratitude prompt. perhaps more for the “praying for” section (I think some pages should have bullet points there for the things you’re praying for) Maybe have a way to mark when prayers are answered?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Some of both.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? With your artwork could you help us focus on God’s love and power? We need to be reminded that we are praying to Almighty God and can and will act. He is listening.
1. YES – I try to journal every single day.
3. I would love to see:
a. Today I am especially grateful !! This is one thing I do every single day – I try to list three things….
b. Today I am praying for? – never thought of this – but I love it!!!! YES YES YES
c. Could you add: inspirational quote of the day???? some days you fill in some days we look it up using a theme word: e.g. grace, humility, thankfulness….. I LOVE quotes!!!!!
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? 5-7?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each?for myself- I would love both – a black and white with a colored copy next to it – I use this as guidance for my son – when we color together…. he looks at the color on the “model” and it helps him to stay engaged with the activity…. not sure if this is doable though….
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else?
I love inspirational – scripture and sample prayers would be dependent per specific religion – but I’m not sure of that so please don’t quote me on this….. however I do love scripture and prayer as well – inspirational would gather everyone – and not be specific to any one type of religion?
I love love love this idea and this would be so helpful to not only me – but many – I think when we log our gratitude it changes our mindset – I helps bring me out of my state of sadness – I don’t think of autism and cancer all the time – it helps me to understand that there are others that have challenges and I can pray for them and not be so sad with my own situation (not sure if that even makes sense) – thank you!
1. Have you ever journaled? Yes I used to journaling similar to Joanne but haven’t in years.
2. Are you interested in guided jI’m ournaling? Yes
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: ___________________
Grateful for…
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? 4 to 5 lines
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Both art and coloring
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? Inspirational and sample prayers
1. I have journaled in the past and have been thinking of taking it up again, it is a great way to see how you have overcome or grown. I always get my childrens journals for christmas, but I stopped somehow.
2. I would like a guideline for when I am at a loss on what to write.
3. A and B are good, but for C how about what will I do to show God’s love to someone.
4. I would think 4 would be good
5. Ilike the idea of coloring your own to make it unique to each person as we are each unique to God.
6. I think a mixture of all would be great. Maybe just add a page or so of blank area for misc. doodles..
1. Have you ever journaled? Yes, off and on, a very consistently have fallen into the pattern of Bible art journaling.
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? Yes, this is a very interesting idea to me. The value of guided journaling is that it would encourage me daily to take a minute or two, but the guide would be there to prompt me!
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: Today I feel like God is saying: or Today I feel like I am being challenged to:
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? maybe 4 or 5? maybe sometimes more?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Pages to color myself! But that’s just me!
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? I think a mix of all of these things would be lovely!
1. Yes many many years ago, but this weekend I had a very strong pull towards journaling again and then today I received your email. So I think someone is telling me something.
2. I give thanks for prays answered.
4. The current number of lines are good
5.I would like both sometimes the colouring is therapeutic but the creating and guided creating is stimulating as well.
6. A mix as its amazing how the right message comes on the right day.
1. Have you ever journaled? – yes
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? – yes
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include: I’d prefer it to be open…kinda like “today my prayer is…” that way I can focus on what the day brings.
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt?I personally would be happy with a faint dot pattern rather than lines…which would allow me to write large or small as needed.
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? I prefer pages I can color myself.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? I’d enjoy a mix of inspiration & scripture
Brilliant idea.
Here are my thoughts:
1. Almost every day
2. Yes.
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
Other: How have my prayers (on previous days) been answered? If one does not make a consious effort for specific thanks, it is often forgotten.
Other: Listening prayer. Lord, what do you want me to do about _________? Then pause to actually listen. Look for answers in other forms – Lyrics to songs, readings, something someone else says especially if it is unprompted. (Listening prayer works if one keeps their eyes and ears open.
4. Layouts above look perfect.
5. Mix.
6. Something else? daily Thanksgiving for specific prayers answered (Even the ones that were answered but not as you might expect.)
I would love the prompted inspirations.
I live this idea. Yes I have done prayer/ bible journalling before. I like the idea that it is guided. I think I would find this helpful. I would like a mixture of pictures to colour and pictures that are already coloured.
Please leave plenty of lines for our own prayers.
I would like a section added, areas I am struggling with after today I am praying for and today I am especially grateful for.
I would love their to be scriptures and sample prayers.
Looking forward to this.
God Bless
I love the thought of your prayer journal! To answer your questions:
1. Yes, I love to journal.
2. I am interested in guided journaling….and would love to introduce my 3 daughters to it through your journal book.
3. I would love to see a and b; c, could be “prayers answered.”4. I would like to see 6-8 lines…I write big and love to pour my heart out into my writing..
5. I would love to see some of each
6. I would like to see some of each type…it keeps my interest better.
1. Have you ever journaled? A little
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? Yes, very interested
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for: Yes!
b. Today I am praying for? Yes!
c. Other: ____________________
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? 5 or 6?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? I think some of each for variety would be beneficial so one can do what they feel like doing that day.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? Again, would like a bit of each to have some variety would be best for all.
1. yes I enjoy journaling.
2.i appreciate guided journaling.
3.all and maybe a scripture reference to meditate on.
4. Five or six are fine.
5. I love a variety.
6. Some of each would give variety and inspiration. Instead of colored pictures maybe some photos?? Inspirational with flowers, nature etc.
Also, it would be helpful for a space to record answers and praises to requests and maybe the date.
Yes, I have journaled. Journaling has helped me greatly heal the very abusive childhood I experienced. I would love to participate in a guided journal experience. I would prefer something that is not always associated with “church” vocabulary. I love inspirational or thought provoking sentiments. I super like the idea of prayers that have already been written out. I really enjoy coloring your drawings. Maybe you could even start a picture and let the other person finish what you started. I think the examples you put in your blog are ideal as far as length of lines.
As an aside – I’ve actually completed ten pages of my gratitude calendar. I can’t believe it! I’m of course working on November as we speak. Oh, – what if you did a word of the week in the journal? That would be fun!!!
As always – thank you so much for what you do!!!
1. Have you ever journaled? yes
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? yes, absolutely
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include: a and b
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt?3 lines after grateful and 5or6 after praying for
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? some of each
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? scriptural
Thank you for this amazing journal to come!! I’m very grateful that you care about our input❤️
1. Have you ever journaled? No
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? Very much!
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for: Yes
b. Today I am praying for? Yes
c. Other: A verse or passage from Scripture that meant something that day
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? At least 4
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Some I can color myself
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? Inspirational and Scripture
1. I have done Bible journaling but have not kept a regular journal.
2. Yes I am interested in guided journaling as I haven’t done journaling before I think the guided journal would be very helpful.
3. A, B and C health concerns, my children or family members, my church
4. 3-5 lines
5. I would say some finished art but mostly art to color or suggestions for original art maybe a few instructions for drawing doodles or zen tangles.
6. I would like a combination of scripture, prayers and inspirational quote for the hand lettering.
1. Yes, I journal regularly. It has long been a form of therapy for me.
2. Yes
3. I think the 2 prompts you use in these examples are perfect. You combine both a “prayer” journal and a “gratitude” journal. By using other prompts throughout the book, you give us opportunities for different thoughts and answers we may not have come to on our own. I like it!
4. I truly have no idea about this one.
5. I would like some of each. Your finished art pages are beautiful and bright, they just make me feel happy. Adding our own touch to the journal pages is also a welcome idea.
6. I would like to see a combination of all 3, just like you show us here.
I am excited to see your finished product! I will start looking in the local book stores after the New Year.
1. No i have not journaled begpre.
2. Yes, i am interested in the guided journalpmg.
3. I like tje two prompts but maybe a reglectipn of why you are grateful for or praying for
4. 5 lines or so.
5. Color my own
6. I likw the inspirations, sample prayers and some scripture
Thamk you for asking.
1. I used to journal regularly, but when I got married and had children, I got out of the practice.
2. Yes! I think guided journaling would help me get back into the practice.
3. I think those prompts are perfect!
4. I’m not sure how many lines—-some days we are more “wordy” than others!
5. I would love pages I can color myself- I would be more likely to spend more time in it.
6. I think inspirational and scripture would be perfect.
This sounds like an awesome journal and I know that it would be a great gift for my girlfriends. 🙂
1. Journal from time to time
2. Definitely yes.
3. I am grateful for..
4. Línes for page with a break to indicate “rest of prayer”
Bullet points is a nice option
5. Definitely colorina pages. Have shopped for this type of journal and there is a definite lack of options. My grieving mother, using colouring and journal as a coping method….and I have had a real hard time finding additional journals for her.
6. I would prefer inspirational and scripture. Prayer is too personal for a sample prayer.
This is a real great idea…guided journals!, Even better with your art work to embellish.
1 )I have tried journaling last year but it got away from me. I have just pulled out my inks, stamps and looking to be inspired to reach out and start once again.
2) The guided journaling idea is fabulous and I have been looking for ideas for our church group A guide would be amazing.
3) The Gratitude and prayer is perfect for what I have been searching for abut maybe C as in other to include more lines for Daily Gratitude and less for individual. Thinking that we all have daily family/friends to pray for but an additional few lines for *others* that may come up as special request would be exactly what I have been searching for.
4) 5lines for Gratitude. And 5 for *special requests*.
5)I would appreciate a bit of each already done art pages and a random few to get out my inks and colors to play. Inspired!
6) I would love inspirational text.
Such a great idea and now my searching comes to an end with this. So excited for 2018!
1. Have you ever journaled? Yes
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? Yes
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include: a and b
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: ____________________
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? 3-5
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? Yes
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? All scattered.
1. Yes I have but not consistently
2. I would like to try it
3. Scripture
4. That God hears me and show me the answers to my prayers, in His time
5. Our Nation and it’s leaders
6. As many as possible
7. Some of each
8. Inspirational
I praise God for the gift He has given you an your willingness to share it. Thank you
1. Have you ever journaled? Yes
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? Yes
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for: Yes
b. Today I am praying for? Yes
c. Other: _This scripture spoke to me today.___________________
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? 3-7
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? some of each
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? scripture
Have been following your site and absolutely love your work. Your
I have tried journaling many times but never succeed. i never know what to write about. it is very difficult for me to express my feelings. But your forthcoming book sounds interesting and I might give it a try. Providing some guiding “hints” would be good. I think 4-5 lines would be adequate. Both colored and non-colored, as I like to do some myself. Hand-lettered text should vary.
1. No
2. It’s not something I’ve ever tried, but I think it would be a great thing to start doing!
3. Asking for forgiveness each day is important too. Reflecting on the little things that we could have done better each day is very important, like losing our temper, or being lazy about doing something, or ignoring someone’s feelings, etc. Maybe titling it: Today I’m Sorry For – or – Today I Ask Forgiveness For…
4. I would leave a couple more lines for Today I Am Grateful For.
5. I think it would be good to have a colorful art page to start each week.
6. I think it would be great to have the hand-lettered text to be a nice mix of both scripture and inspirational.
Thanks for being in all of our lives, Joanne…you are a true blessing from above!!
1. I have done some journaling from daily readings via S.O.A.P., devotions and some with art.
2. I am interested in this type of journaling because sometimes you need help with ideas and such.
3. I think it us important to be thankful and journaling about it helps remind us. Praying specifically is important and helps our perspective . Praise is also impotant and a good reminder how awesome our God is!
4. Three maybe. Some write small some large some more some less.
5. I LOVE the idea of having some of both!
6. I would enjoy all three – inspirational, scripture, sample prayers and anything else that would be appropriate!
Thank You for asking for our input.
Joanne….LOVE.THIS! This is definitely something I would use! I think it would greatly enhance any devotional time!
1. Have you ever journaled? …Yes! I have been journaling in one form or another for 40 years.
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? …Yes, I like the idea of something to encourage me to think beyond the surface.
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: __Perhaps a couple lines to record answers to prayers?
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? ….Maybe at least 5, depending on the dimensions of the book…and then perhaps a few lined note pages in the very back for overflow or additional thoughts?
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each?….Definitely some of each because the finished ones are beautiful. Maybe 70/30? 70% to color and 30% finished art pages. I think taking the time to color the pages adds to the whole experience.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? ….Mostly Scriptural with some inspirational.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product! Thanks!
Hi Joanne
Another great idea of yours to help others connect more closely to their spiritual side of themselves.
1) I attempt to journal, would like to get to the point of it becoming a regular practice as part of my day.
2) I think a guided journal with Prompts would be helpful as part of my lack of Journaling is lack of focus on one specific thing to write about
3) Other: a different prompt each day
4) I don’t like lines! I like blank space to write in.
5) Some of each but more to color
6) Inspirational, something from Psalms, something both Christian and Jewish people can both relate to.
Thank you!
I would love a guided journal. I have done journaling, but get lost and stop. With a guide I start with the quote and ideas and feelings start to flow.
1. Yes I journal all the time. I have several journals going at the same time. I just pick up which ever one is near. Some for prayers, some for just writing things out, art journals, goals and hopes and dreams, ideas for painting, creativity, gratitude, every day miracles, everything!!! Love journaling.
2. Yes I also like guided journaling.
3. Yes for today I am grateful for: Also maybe add some pages that just start with Dear God, as if you are writing to God, talking to God
4. 5 to 10 lines for each prompt/
5. Would love some of both – the illustrated pages and some to color. I also the pages that are half illustration and half lines – this might be a good place for a Dear God: page.
6. I like inspiritational . But also scripture if it’s simple like “I am with you always”. “You are my beloved.”
1 yes
2 yes sometimes I need prompts to help me
3 yes gratitude, yes dear God, yes repentance or areas for help, service have I helped anyone today what can I do this week/. goals to draw closer to God.
4 looks about right
5 some space to colour or add images.
6 Inspirational or uplifting quotes does not have to be from scripture / affirmations.
Oh, I CAN’T Wait to have a collection of these!
1. Have you ever journaled? YES
2. Are you interested in guided journaling? YES
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: ____________________ WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY BRIGHTER TODAY?
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt? I LIKE SMALL LINES (MORE TO THE PAGE) i WOULD USE EQUAL PARTS IF YOU ONLY USE 2 PROMPTS
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each? SOME OF EACH
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else? INSPIRATIONAL, NOT SCRIPTURE SINCE THIS IS NOT BIBLE JOURNALING
Thank God for leading me to your page 🙂
1. Have you ever journaled?
I am trying to learn.
2. Are you interested in guided journaling?
Very much so!
3. On the daily prayer pages, what prompts would you like me to include:
a. Today I am especially grateful for:
b. Today I am praying for?
c. Other: ____________________
a, b & c…c being “guidance”
4. How many lines do you think I should leave after each prompt?
Lines are good! perhaps 5 lines for each prompt.
5. In addition to the daily prayer pages, would you prefer already finished art pages, pages that you can color yourself, or some of each?
Some of each.
6. Would you like the hand-lettered text to be inspirational, scripture, sample prayers, or something else?
Inspirational is my first choice. Some simple prayers on some pages.
Hi Joanne,
I have never journaled.
You received so many comments, I can’t add anything. Whatever you decide is great. I love your quotes with artwork in colour..
Regards Gerard